April 3, 2017

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Issue Highlights

April 3, 2017 | Volume 12 Issue 5

• LEAD ARTICLE: The Need for an IT Security Strategy

• FEATURED ARTICLE: New Features in Visual Studio 2017

• NEWS HIGHLIGHT: IBM Launches New Service on Bluemix to Help Developers Easily Add Authentication into Apps

• WHITE PAPER: IBM i Security: Event Logging & Active Monitoring

• FEATURED VIDEO: IBM Identity Governance and Intelligence: Secure, Compliant, Easy

• EVENT: 2017 Annual Meeting and Exposition

Lead Article - Security

The Need for an IT Security Strategy

Security isn’t the end game. It needs to be the journey.

Written by Steve Pitcher

It’s easy to get caught in the flow of the next big thing. Mobility, security, analytics, big data, Internet of Things, cloud, and Everything as a Service seem to dominate the technology landscape in terms of where we as IT professionals should be spending our time.

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MC Press Bookstore

Confused About Identity Management? Get expert help in this latest release from MC Press. Author Graham Williamson explains identity management for business people. Business managers and CIOs will learn how to manage today's identity challenges relating to access control, the cloud, consumers, data security, and the Internet of Things. If you are tasked with fitting identity management into your business strategy, then Identity Management: A Business Perspective is the perfect guide for you!

Order your copy today!

MC Press Bookstore

Can’t wait? The wait is over…It’s finally here! The latest update to the classic IBM i security reference is now available. Fully secure your IBM i applications and data with help from security guru Carol Woodbury. Written in a clear, jargon-free style, you’ll learn why it’s vital to develop a security policy and how to implement and maintain such a system. You’ll also get expert advice for tackling today’s security threats. This new release is updated for the latest version of the IBM i operating system. Get your copy today!

Feature - Programming

New Features in Visual Studio 2017

The latest version of VS offers enhancements for performance, mobile and cloud app dev, and more.

Written by Joydip Kanjilal

Visual Studio is Microsoft's flagship development IDE for software developers wanting to develop applications that they can leverage at the managed environment. The latest version of this IDE is Visual Studio 2017, released to the public on March 7, 2017. You can take advantage of Visual Studio 2017 to build and manage applications for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, Web, and the cloud.

MC Resource Centers

IBM i Security: Event Logging & Active Monitoring

A Step by Step Guide

Active monitoring is one of the most critical and effective security controls that an organization can deploy. Unlike many Windows and Linux server deployments, the IBM i can host a complex mix of back-office applications, web applications, and open source applications and services - leaving millions of security events to actively monitor.

This eBook discusses:

  • Real-time security event logging and monitoring
  • Security architecture and logging sources on the IBM i
  • Creating the IBM security audit journal QAUDJRN
  • Enabling IBM security events through system values
  • File integrity monitoring (FIM)
  • A step by step checklist begin collecting and monitoring IBM i security logs

Download your copy today from the MC White Paper Center

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  • SB Profound WC 5536Join us for this hour-long webcast that will explore:

  • Fortra IT managers hoping to find new IBM i talent are discovering that the pool of experienced RPG programmers and operators or administrators with intimate knowledge of the operating system and the applications that run on it is small. This begs the question: How will you manage the platform that supports such a big part of your business? This guide offers strategies and software suggestions to help you plan IT staffing and resources and smooth the transition after your AS/400 talent retires. Read on to learn: