You can specify more than one file name in a single Start Journal Physical File (STRJRNPF) command, but you may not want to. Here's why.
I recently had to fix a job that had ended abnormally. The problem turned out to be a STRJRNPF command that had 11 files in the FILE parameter. Under normal circumstances, none of the 11 files was being journaled when this job would run. However, when the job began to run on this day, one of the files was already being journaled. The STRJRNPF command failed and the other 10 files did not start journaling.
The job didn't cancel at this point because CPF7030 (File or access paths for file &1 being journaled.) was being trapped by a global Monitor Message (MONMSG) command. The job finally stopped when an RPG program tried to open a file with commitment control.
From a command line, I ran an End Journal Physical File (ENDJRNPF) command to stop journaling the one file. I restarted the job, and it ran fine. When the job finished, I replaced the one STRJRNPF command with 11 commands.
This change means that if one or more files are already journaling, for whatever reason, the others will begin journaling, and the job should work correctly.
- Ted Holt
MC Press Online