Command Validation with Substitution Variables
From: Greg Cannon To: All
I am trying to validate a command in a process similar to QCMDCHK, except I would like to have substitution parameters in the command string that will be handled by the program using the command. I'm looking for something like PDM's "User Defined Options" &O, &N, etc. Is there a way to get QCMDCHK to validate with a different environment (thinking they are variables), or is there user access to the validation that PDM is using?
From: Ernie Malaga To: Greg Cannon
How about this: write a REXX procedure that parses the command string and replaces all variables with dummy names such as XXXXXX (a string of X's, just as long as the variable name). Then run QCMDCHK on that one. For instance, change:
You may still get bogus error messages if the XXX... names yield errors. For instance, if you run CHGUSRPRF USRPRF(XXXXXX), you could get an error if user XXXXXX doesn't exist.
I haven't checked this, but it's worth a try. REXX will make the process simple and concise, albeit slow.
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