Error Recovery in RPG Programs

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One of the features I like most about CL is its ability to recover from errors using the Monitor Message (MONMSG) command. I've often thought that such a command would be a welcome addition to RPG.

Think about what happens when an RPG program finds an error. Suppose a program attempts to divide a number by a variable with a value of zero. At this point, if there are no error-handling measures in the program, the system stops executing the program and asks the operator what to do. This is not an elegant programming technique by any means. It would be preferable to be able to trap the error and take appropriate action.

In a CL program, you can use a global MONMSG command to trap these types of errors. This article shows you how you can use a combination of a subroutine and a data structure to do limited error recovery in RPG programs.

Two types of errors (or exceptions) may occur during program execution: program errors and file errors. To keep the discussion from getting unnecessarily long, this article only discusses program errors. Handling file errors is not very different.

The Program Status Data Structure

First, let me introduce you to the program status data structure (PSDS), a 429- byte area of memory that contains all sorts of useful information about a program. (Although the PSDS will be enhanced in ILE RPG, it is upwardly compatible from RPG/400.) To indicate that a data structure is to contain the program status information, code an S in position 18 of the input specification that defines the data structure. A program can have only one data structure defined as the PSDS, and that data structure must not be a multiple occurrence data structure. You may give the PSDS a name if you wish, but it's not required.

Subfields in the data structure are predefined (see 1). All subfields can be defined by their beginning and ending positions, but some of them may also be defined using a keyword name. If you use the keyword, left-align it in positions 44 through 51 of the input specification.

Subfields in the data structure are predefined (see Figure 1). All subfields can be defined by their beginning and ending positions, but some of them may also be defined using a keyword name. If you use the keyword, left-align it in positions 44 through 51 of the input specification.

The subfields in the PSDS come in handy for everyday programming. For example, if you print the name of a program in the page headers of a report, you don't have to hard-code the name. Instead, you can get the program name from positions 1 through 10 of the PSDS. This feature is helpful, since it eliminates the possibility that you might copy or rename the program but forget to change the program name in the page headers.

Instead of using the TIME opcode, you can get the system date and time from positions 276 through 281 and 282 through 287. Do you want to know who's running the program? The user profile name is in positions 254 through 263. The *PARMS subfield (positions 37 through 39) tells you how many parameters were passed into the program. This information lets you write programs that use a varying number of parameters.

All of this general information is interesting, but it's off the subject of error handling. The system updates certain subfields when errors occur. The information in these subfields tells you what caused the error, so you can take appropriate steps to recover.

The status subfield is continually updated as a program executes. A status code value greater than 99 indicates that an error occurred. For example, if your program attempts to divide by zero, the status code subfield will be updated with a value of 102. See the RPG/400 Reference manual for a list of status codes.

Exception type and number are other useful subfields. These subfields are the first three characters and the last four characters of the message ID. Your program can examine the contents of these subfields to determine how to continue.

Certain subfields are not useful for error recovery, but are useful to programmers investigating the problem after the fact. These subfields include: routine name, source member sequence number, exception data, last file used, status of the last file used, and cause of error RPG9001.

Defining the PSDS

You may write input specifications to define the subfields within each RPG program, but it's a good idea to define the program status data structure once and include that definition in all your programs. There are three advantages to this approach. You only write the code one time; the subfields have the same names in all your programs; and it's easier to write error routines that can be copied from one program to another.

You can define the PSDS in two ways: you can use the /COPY compiler directive, or you can define the data structure externally.

I prefer to use /COPY, so I'll discuss it first. Create a source member containing only the input specifications that define the data structure (see 2). In your application programs, code a /COPY statement at the point you would normally key the data structure. The format of the /COPY statement is:

I prefer to use /COPY, so I'll discuss it first. Create a source member containing only the input specifications that define the data structure (see Figure 2). In your application programs, code a /COPY statement at the point you would normally key the data structure. The format of the /COPY statement is:

/COPY library/source-file,member

The RPG compiler will retrieve the data structure specifications in the source member when it compiles your program.

Do not confuse this method with the /COPY auto report directive. You do not have to use the auto report function to use /COPY.

If you prefer to use an external definition, create a physical file with fields that correspond to the subfields of the program status data structure. (The file does not have to have a member.) In your RPG program, put an E in column 17 of the data structure definition, and the file name in positions 21 through 30. This will direct the compiler to use that file's definition to define the data structure.

Either method will save you work, since you define the program status data structure only once.

The Program Status Subroutine (*PSSR)

Once you've defined the PSDS, you need a way to execute an error routine when something unexpected happens in your program. RPG allows you to include a *PSSR subroutine, which is automatically executed when a program error occurs. The *PSSR subroutine can also be executed explicitly with the EXSR operation. The subroutine should include any calculations you want carried out in the event of a program error.

In factor 2 of the ENDSR instruction, you designate where to continue execution when the subroutine is completed. See 3 for a list of valid return-point values. The value may be a constant or a variable. Most of the examples in this article use a constant return point.

In factor 2 of the ENDSR instruction, you designate where to continue execution when the subroutine is completed. See Figure 3 for a list of valid return-point values. The value may be a constant or a variable. Most of the examples in this article use a constant return point.

You may notice that these values lend themselves to the RPG cycle. This fact makes it more difficult, though not impossible, to use *PSSR in programs that bypass the cycle.

Because there is no way to return to the next sequential instruction, when the *PSSR subroutine is automatically invoked, the usefulness of this technique is limited.

Building Error-Handling Routines

I have searched for a one-size-fits-all, error-handling routine, but I haven't found one yet because I don't always want to recover from an error in the same way.

A simple way to handle an unexpected error is to request a dump and cancel the program. 4 shows an RPG program that uses this approach. The canceled program will send escape message RPG9001 to the caller, so it can take appropriate action. The CL program in 5 alerts the system operator that the program has ended abnormally.

A simple way to handle an unexpected error is to request a dump and cancel the program. Figure 4 shows an RPG program that uses this approach. The canceled program will send escape message RPG9001 to the caller, so it can take appropriate action. The CL program in Figure 5 alerts the system operator that the program has ended abnormally.

Another approach is to have the program issue an error message and continue. The program in 6 writes an error line on the report it is producing and continues at the top of the detail calculations (*DETC). For your reference, partial DDS for the printer file is shown in 7. This method works in this small program, but it could be a problem if there were other calculations before the first READ. Another version, which uses the RPG cycle, is less subject to error (see 8). Note that the return point from *PSSR is *GETIN, which causes the program to read the next record from a primary or secondary file.

Another approach is to have the program issue an error message and continue. The program in Figure 6 writes an error line on the report it is producing and continues at the top of the detail calculations (*DETC). For your reference, partial DDS for the printer file is shown in Figure 7. This method works in this small program, but it could be a problem if there were other calculations before the first READ. Another version, which uses the RPG cycle, is less subject to error (see Figure 8). Note that the return point from *PSSR is *GETIN, which causes the program to read the next record from a primary or secondary file.

You can flag the error in other ways as well. In an interactive program you could, of course, notify the operator. You could also write a record to an error log file for later analysis.

Like all subroutines, the *PSSR subroutine may be executed by the EXSR operation. In 9, *PSSR is explicitly executed on a failed CALL to the program named in variable SUBPGM. When *PSSR finishes, the program will continue with the highlighted MOVEL instruction, since there is no value in factor 2 of the ENDSR line.

Like all subroutines, the *PSSR subroutine may be executed by the EXSR operation. In Figure 9, *PSSR is explicitly executed on a failed CALL to the program named in variable SUBPGM. When *PSSR finishes, the program will continue with the highlighted MOVEL instruction, since there is no value in factor 2 of the ENDSR line.

A general error-handling *PSSR is probably not possible, but you can settle on a few routines that will handle most of your needs. You can then choose the one that best fits each program.

Additional Considerations

There's an old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In no other area of RPG programming have I found this concept more applicable. Since it is difficult to recover from a program error, it is wise to take steps to avoid the automatic execution of *PSSR. For example, if there is even the remotest possibility that an array index may be out of bounds, test the array index with an IFxx operation, and do not permit code containing indexed references to the array to be executed. If the value of the variable in factor 2 of a DIV operation might be zero, test that variable for zero, and do not permit the division to take place if the test proves true. For an example of this test, see 10 .

There's an old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In no other area of RPG programming have I found this concept more applicable. Since it is difficult to recover from a program error, it is wise to take steps to avoid the automatic execution of *PSSR. For example, if there is even the remotest possibility that an array index may be out of bounds, test the array index with an IFxx operation, and do not permit code containing indexed references to the array to be executed. If the value of the variable in factor 2 of a DIV operation might be zero, test that variable for zero, and do not permit the division to take place if the test proves true. For an example of this test, see Figure 10 .

Another problem is that it is possible for *PSSR to call itself, which may result in an infinite loop. An infinite loop can occur when an instruction within *PSSRcauses a program error. A good solution is to check a status variable when entering the subroutine. If the variable indicates that *PSSR is active, exit the subroutine. Otherwise, set the status variable to a value to indicate the subroutine is active, and reset it to an inactive value at the end of the subroutine. This approach is covered in the RPG/400 Reference manual in the discussion of the File Exception/Error Subroutine. I've included an example in 11.

Another problem is that it is possible for *PSSR to call itself, which may result in an infinite loop. An infinite loop can occur when an instruction within *PSSRcauses a program error. A good solution is to check a status variable when entering the subroutine. If the variable indicates that *PSSR is active, exit the subroutine. Otherwise, set the status variable to a value to indicate the subroutine is active, and reset it to an inactive value at the end of the subroutine. This approach is covered in the RPG/400 Reference manual in the discussion of the File Exception/Error Subroutine. I've included an example in Figure 11.

Normal Termination

Now you have an idea of how you can take control of program errors. Earlier, I mentioned that there is another type of error: file errors. Working with file errors involves the same techniques presented here, but you need to use the INFDS and INFSR keywords on file continuation specifications. See the RPG/400 Reference manual for more details.

RPG's automatic recovery capabilities are not perfect, but they are usable, and it is worth your time to find out how to keep your programs from terminating abnormally.

Ted Holt is a programmer/analyst with Garan, Inc., in Starkville, Mississippi.


RPG Reference (SC09-1349, CD-ROM QBKA4E01).

Error Recovery in RPG Programs

Figure 1 Contents of PSDS

Error Recovery in RPG Programs

Figure 2 /COPY Member to Define Program Status Data Structu

 *. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 I* PROGRAM STATUS DATA STRUCTURE ISDS SDS I 1 10 S#PGM I 11 150S#STAT I 16 200S#PSTA I 21 28 S#SEQ# I 29 36 S#RTN I 37 39 S#PARM I 40 42 S#EXCT I 43 46 S#EXC# I 47 50 S#ODT# I 51 80 S#MWA I 81 90 S#LIB I 91 170 S#EXCD I 171 174 S#EXCI I 199 200 S#YEAR I 201 208 S#FILE I 209 243 S#FLST I 244 253 S#JOB I 254 263 S#USER I 264 2690S#JOB# I 270 2750S#EDAT I 276 2810S#SDAT I 282 2870S#STIM I 288 293 S#CDAT I 294 299 S#CTIM I 300 303 S#LEVL I 304 313 S#SRCF I 314 323 S#SRCL I 324 333 S#SRCM *. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 
Error Recovery in RPG Programs

Figure 3 Return Points for *PSSR

 *CANCL Cancel the program *DETC Detail calculations *DETL Detail output *GETIN Read next primary or secondary file record *OFL Overflow output routine *TOTC Total calculations *TOTL Total output blank Default error handler (if invoked automatically) Next sequential instruction (if invoked by EXSR) 
Error Recovery in RPG Programs

Figure 4 Using *PSSR to Cancel a Program

 *. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 H 1 FINFO IF E K DISK FOUTFO O E DISK C READ INFOREC 91 * C *IN91 DOWEQ'0' ... (detail calcs go here) C WRITEOUTFOREC C READ INFOREC 91 C ENDDO * C SETON LR * C *PSSR BEGSR C DUMP C ENDSR'*CANCL' *. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 
Error Recovery in RPG Programs

Figure 5 Monitoring for a Cancelled RPG Program

Error Recovery in RPG Programs

Figure 6 Ignoring Invalid Records (Procedural Programming)

 *. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 FINFO IF E K DISK FPRTFILE O E 88 PRINTER I/COPY HOLT_T/PSSR,SDS C READ INFOREC 91 * C *IN91 DOWEQ'0' ... (detail calcs go here) C WRITEDTLLN C READ INFOREC 91 C ENDDO * C SETON LR * C *PSSR BEGSR C MOVELS#PGM A#PGM C MOVELS#STAT A#STAT C MOVELS#SEQ# A#SEQ# C WRITEABENDLN C ENDSR'*DETC ' *. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 
Error Recovery in RPG Programs

Figure 7 Portion of DDS for PRTFILE

 *. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 A R DTLLN SPACEA(1) ... (fields on detail line go here) A R ABENDLN SPACEA(1) A 1'UNEXPECTED ERROR; KEY:' A FLDA R + 1REFFLD(FLDA INFO) A + 1'PGM:' A A#PGM 10 + 1 A + 1'STATUS:' A A#STAT 5 + 1 A + 1'STMT:' A A#SEQ# 8 + 1 A + 1'RECORD IGNORED' *. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 
Error Recovery in RPG Programs

Figure 8 Ignoring Invalid Records (Cycle Programming)

 *. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 FINFO IP E K DISK FPRTFILE O E 88 PRINTER I/COPY HOLT_T/PSSR,SDS ... (detail calcs go here) C WRITEDTLLN * C *PSSR BEGSR C MOVELS#PGM A#PGM C MOVELS#STAT A#STAT C MOVELS#SEQ# A#SEQ# C WRITEABENDLN C ENDSR'*GETIN' *. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 
Error Recovery in RPG Programs

Figure 9 Explicit Execution of *PSSR

 *. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 C CALL SUBPGM 22 LO C *IN22 IFEQ *ON C EXSR *PSSR C ENDIF C MOVELFLDX FLDY ... (more calcs) C *PSSR BEGSR ... (error calcs go here) C ENDSR *. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 
Error Recovery in RPG Programs

Figure 10 Preventing the Possibility of Division by Zero

 *. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 C TOTAL IFNE *ZERO C SUM DIV TOTAL PCT1 C ELSE C MOVE *ZERO PCT1 C ENDIF *. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 
Error Recovery in RPG Programs

Figure 11 Preventing Recursive Execution of *PSSR

 *. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 C *PSSR BEGSR C MOVE '*CANCL' RTNPT 6 C PSRACT IFNE '1' C MOVE '1' PSRACT 1 C SELEC C S#STAT WHEQ 00100 C S#STAT OREQ 00121 C S#STAT OREQ 00122 C MOVE '*GETIN' RTNPT ... (more calcs) C S#STAT WHEQ 00211 C MOVE '*GETIN' RTNPT ... (more calcs) C OTHER ... (more calcs) C ENDSL C ENDIF C MOVE '0' PSRACT C ENDSRRTNPT *. 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 

Ted Holt is IT manager of Manufacturing Systems Development for Day-Brite Capri Omega, a manufacturer of lighting fixtures in Tupelo, Mississippi. He has worked in the information processing industry since 1981 and is the author or co-author of seven books. 

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