From Geographic Mirroring to LUN-level switching to FlashCopy, there's lots of new stuff to be excited about.
The PowerHA SystemMirror HA product is based on
Geographic Mirroring
Geographic Mirroring has been a popular HA solution choice for many customers, particularly small-to-medium-size clients. Prior to the 7.1 release, only short distances (roughly less than 30 miles) were supported with Geographic Mirroring, as the replication was done synchronously. In the PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1 release, asynchronous Geographic Mirroring is now supported, opening this technology up to an even greater audience.
In Geographic Mirroring, the low levels of the
With asynchronous Geographic Mirroring, the disk write on the primary no longer needs to wait for acknowledgement that the write was received on the backup.
LUN-Level Switching
Another new technology being supported by PowerHA SystemMirror in 7.1 is LUN-level switching. This technology is new for clients who use DS6000 or DS8000 storage. With LUN-level switching, you have one copy of the data in an iASP, contained on logical units, or LUNs, within the storage server. Those LUNs can be reassigned from one logical partition or system to another. This technology can be used as a standalone HA solution (with the knowledge that the single copy of data is still a possible point of failure) or in conjunction with a replication technology such as Metro Mirror or Global Mirror.
Another technology related to DS8000 storage has been enhanced. PowerHA SystemMirror will now allow space-efficient FlashCopies to be created, in addition to the traditional FlashCopy. A FlashCopy is a point-in-time copy made almost instantaneously by the system storage device. Traditional FlashCopy takes the same amount of storage as what is being flashed. Space-efficient FlashCopy does not allocate the storage until it is needed, so for copies that remain active for only a short period of time, the amount of storage required can be reduced.
Synchronized Object Types
Two new object types can be synchronized via the cluster administrative domain within PowerHA SystemMirror. Cluster administrative domain is the function within SystemMirror that facilitates synchronization of object types not allowed in an iASP.
Authorization lists (*AUTL) and printer device descriptions (*PRTDEV) can now be added as monitored resource entries. For printer device descriptions, the two most common device classes, *VRT and *
New Commands
A number of new CL commands are part of our 7.1 PowerHA SystemMirror product. We've added commands to retrieve cluster, cluster resource group, copy description, or session information. We also added a command to print Cluster Administrative Domain monitored resource entries. These commands will help customers who want to write CL programs automate cluster management.
Node Monitoring
Another advantage of a PowerHA solution is the deep integration with the
Versioning Support
In this second release of the product, versioning support has been added to provide for a seamless upgrade process of the production and backup nodes. Typically, customers upgrade their backup system to the next OS release, do the necessary testing, and then switch their production environment over to the upgraded backup. Then the primary system can also be easily upgraded to the new release. This has greatly reduced the upgrade
Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition
Along with all the enhancements in PowerHA for 7.1, some restructuring of the product was also completed. Following the trend of all Power software, PowerHA SystemMirror now has a standard edition and an enterprise edition. From a packaging perspective, the standard edition is the base product, and the enterprise edition is available as option 1.
PowerHA SystemMirror for i Standard Edition contains the command and GUI interfaces needed to configure and manage a typical HA environment within a data center or other short distance. Solutions supported by the standard edition include synchronous Geographic Mirroring, switchable IOP support, LUN-level switching, and FlashCopy. The standard edition also includes all of the infrastructure needed by an HA environment—clustering support, including heart-beating and automatic failovers, as well as the cluster administrative domain support.
PowerHA SystemMirror for i Enterprise Edition contains all standard edition support, as well as additional support for enterprise clients. Solutions supported by the Enterprise Edition are Metro Mirror and Global Mirror, utilization of DS8000 copy services, and asynchronous Geographic Mirroring for those clients desiring multiple sites without the requirement for DS8000 storage.
For additional automation, simplified storage management, and customization, there's Advanced Copy Services for PowerHA. This Lab Services offering is built on top of the PowerHA SystemMirror product and offers additional storage options, as well as other ease-of-use enhancements.
Growing Bigger and Stronger
In this, our second release of the PowerHA product on
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