Alan Seiden


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Published Title Category Hits
30 January 2020 Next IBM i CIO Summit Tackles Knowledge Transfer, Innovation and More Certification / Training | Industry News | News 3,488
24 July 2017 Enriching the IBM i Community with Open Source Linux / Open Source | Operating Systems | IT Infrastructure 2,780
15 October 2014 Book Review: Advanced Guide to PHP on IBM i Web Languages | Programming 10,040
28 December 2007 TechTip: Step Away from the Computer! General | Career 12,724
05 October 2007 TechTip: Prevent Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) with Rest Breaks General | Career 15,243
08 August 2007 Rejuvenate Your IT Career General | Career 10,553
04 May 2007 TechTip: Protect Your Eyes Against Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) General | Career 14,503
26 January 2007 TechTip: Arrange Your Workstation to Protect Yourself Against Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) General | Career 10,945
06 October 2006 TechTip: PHP Delivers mail() on IBM System i Web Languages | Programming 11,589
12 July 2006 Zend Brings PHP to IBM's i5/OS Web Languages | Programming 15,318
07 June 2006 PHP, the Everywhere Web Language Web Languages | Programming 18,546
19 May 2006 TechTip: Talk to the Internet with cURL Web Languages | Programming 27,523
31 March 2006 TechTip: Qshell vs. PASE General | Programming - Other | Programming 30,239
20 January 2006 TechTip: Be a Web Wiz Web Languages | Programming 16,679
06 January 2006 TechTip: Vive la Diff General | Programming - Other | Programming 8,914
16 December 2005 TechTip: Link Up with Qshell General | Programming - Other | Programming 13,103
Alan Seiden
  Alan Seiden founded Seiden Group to help IBM i shops design and implement high-performance web and mobile applications using PHP, DB2, RPG business logic and Zend Framework best practices. Alan and his team work closely with some of the best minds at both Zend and IBM on behalf of their clients.With a passion for open source and community, Alan co-developed the popular PHP Toolkit with IBM. He was one of the first Zend Framework certified engineers; co-founder of the NYC Zend Framework Meetup; charter member of IBM/COMMON's PHP Advisory Board; and a consultant for IBM's manual PHP: Zend Core for i5/OS. An award-winning speaker, Alan has been called "the performance guru of PHP on IBM i." He shares his expertise regularly at conferences and user groups such COMMON, ZendCon, the RPG & DB2 Summit, OMNI, the Northeast Users Group Conference, OCEAN and WMCPA. He also mentors other developers within the Club Seiden forum.In his spare time, Alan plays the trombone and studies and teaches the Feldenkrais Method® of Somatic Education.Subscribe to Alan’s monthly newsletter PHP on IBM i Tips.  Follow Alan on Twitter: @alanseiden and LinkedIn: on Alan