Marinus Van Sandwyk has almost 30 years of experience on the IBM i platform, having started his career on System/38 as a programmer in 1983. He is the Founder and CTO of TEMBO Technology Lab, the developers of Adsero Optima™ Enterprise Modernization Suite (www.adsero-optima.com). Prior to founding TEMBO, Marinus was the architect behind the CATSe technology, which was licensed globally by IBM Global Services, to render Rapid Recovery/400 services. This product suite allowed for the partitioning of OS/400 prior to the availability of LPAR, and parts of the technology were sub-licensed by Lakeview Technology to deliver their clustering and cluster enablement solutions in 2000. Marinus is keenly interested in clustering, virtualization, SaaS and application resilience, as an integral part of application modernization. LinkedIn profile: www.linkedin.com/in/mbogo