Trevor Seeney


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13 January 2016 CSS Animation for the IBM i Development Tools / Utilities | Mobile 4,393
Trevor Seeney

Trevor Seeney is an experienced software developer and technology consultant. Trevor's recent experience has been focused on developing web-faced applications using PHP and RPG ILE against MySQL and DB2 databases. In recently developed applications,  AJAX  and the JQuery Mobile framework have been deployed along with the more familiar HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.


Trevor has delivered web-centric presentations at COMMON on the subject of JavaScript and securing CGI applications written in RPG. Previously, Trevor specialized in system security. A COMMON presentation entitled "How an iSeries/400 is hacked and how to stop it" spawned an article for Midrange Computing and a Webinar on Search400. Trevor also developed a workstation security product for the System I that secures inactive workstations and is commercially available today under the name of ScreenSafer/400.